KATIE MILLER is a multidisciplinary artist from the rolling valleys of Esterhazy, Saskatchewan and is passionate about living life in the present moment and connecting with people through her music, writing and photography. 

Lake Of The Prairies Gig😎🎵✌️ 

Manitoba bound with my guitar and harmonicas for the Friday Nite Bandstand July 26, 6:30-8:30 (MB time) at the Prairie Lake Lodge Golf Course at the lovely Lake Of The Prairies.  Looking forward to playing at a new venue for me!

FLOWERS ON THE SUN is my favourite song on my album, A New Day, and was inspired by a note my son wrote when he was four years old, which consisted solely of those four words. I thought it was beautiful and called it his first poem. I saved the note and years later, I crafteded this song about nature, the environment, and how humankind must be proactive in protecting this beautiful planet for many generations to come. Click on the photo above to have a listen?

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